ANM Group’s Caithness Team Celebrate Double Anniversary with BBQ and Dance

Posted: July 5, 2022

ANM Group has announced its Caithness Team are hosting a charity BBQ dinner and dance in
celebration of ANM Group’s 150th anniversary and 30 years of Caithness Livestock Centre on Saturday
the 20th of August.

The event which will take place at the Caithness Livestock Centre, in Quoybrae will include a BBQ from
6pm, charity auction from 8pm and a dance with live music from 9pm, with all proceeds from the
event going to two chosen charities.

Alan Hutcheon, Director, ANM Group said: “Caithness Livestock Centre for the last 30 years has been
well established as the centre of the community and we are delighted to be celebrating this
momentous anniversary year with the help of our staff, members and customers.”

For ANM Groups 150th anniversary the Caithness team are supporting two local charities Listening Ear
and Caithness Palliative Care Fund, with all the money raised from the event kept in the local area.

Tickets cost £25 and will be available to purchase from the Caithness Livestock Centre office or by
contacting Andrew Gunn on 07961 566742 or Gemma Duguid on 07393 147154.

Other fundraising activities part of ANM Group’s 150th anniversary fundraising drive includes a PRO
Series PS 18 23 H trailer worth over £32,000 kindly donated by Stewart Trailers to be raffled off to
raise money for ANM Group’s chosen charities. ANM Group representatives will be attending the
Caithness show on the 16th of July and tickets for the BBQ and Stewart Trailer raffle will be available
to purchase.